Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You're Fired!

Oh for pete's sake. My horses....bah. If it isn't one, its the other.

So with this move, I hired a dude at the farm to turn out the horses 6 days a week. The pasture is quite a distance from the barn, so, taking both at the same time is a really good idea. Except when your horses decide they don't like their handler and act like complete turds, causing lots of pain and fear.

Cassie was up to bat. She decided she could show Mr. Handler how horses bolt once lead to pasture...bolt with the rope halter on... still attached to the leadrope. Oh yea, and also bolt when strange dogs run up from behind. Nice, Cassie.

Cabo, while generally a very good boy, can just be an idiot sometimes. I love him all the same, he's just a spook every now and then. And he's decided to spook when Cassie is an idiot.

Insert sarcasm: its awesome, really, when the handler texts me and says my horses are nuts and he won't turn out anymore...after 4 days of fun. Not even taking them out one at a time. He's done.

So, I start turning them out in the morning...no issue at all. We walk calmy to pasture, and the release- Cassie was excited but one correction and she stood like a good girl. WTF? I can't fix what isn't broken.

They totally worked that guy.

In a panic, I call another friend who I know could use extra cash, and offer the job. And ya know what? The horses are fine- no issues have been reported, and I warned her of the idiotic tendencies they have seemingly developed.

Let's hope they won't fire the new hire. They are SOL if they do- cuz I dont know of anyone else who'd be available to do the job.

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