Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fat Boy: Perspectives

So with Cassie gone, I needed to find Cabo an equine companion for the next couple weeks until the new horses arrive.

A friend of mine just got a new horse. New horse is skinny-ish. Not emaciated, but definitely needs groceries.

Decided to turn Cabo out with new horse in the arena to check compatibility. They were fine. the sniffed noses. they explored the plexiglass windows together, they rolled. All was good.

Except while watching them, I realized Cabo is HUGE. You know, I must have a complex- i think of myself as too huge, and think of the horses as never-too-huge. They take a breath and I see a rib and I go "OMG" WTF? Forest or trees?

So it was on Monday when I dropped Cassie off the trainer says "well, it looks like she hasn't missed a meal in awhile"...and then watching Fat Boy aka Jelly Bum next to Slim Mare I saw him for what he is: FAT. The comparison was shocking. He looked like a war tank next to her. I think he is still a hunkalove, but c'mon...not that much love!

The boy gets hay, super supplement, and bioflax ultra. Time to cut back on the hay, and increase exercise. Sorry, dude, party's over.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha yeah he tends to put on the weight without anyone noticing. But hey having them fat means you can ride them more to help them lose it. So its a plus for you right? lol Ally (my filly not you) is on a diet too, she is getting a bit chunky and since I cant ride her again until winter, she is getting her meals cut back. She is not a happy girl at all. NO ONE MESSES WITH HER FOOD! She will kill anyone who tries to take it away from her. lol When I get her far enough along to hit trails we should meet up and take Cabo and her out on a ride. I know she misses her big brother!
