Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First Day of School

Yesterday we brought Cassie to meet her trainer, and her new farm. :) She did really well- loaded great, unloaded (though took about 200 baby steps backwards to the edge of the ramp, LOL it was really funny to watch- so cautious)

Went in her stall and happily started munching on the hay. School starts today- muhahah :)

I'm going to go up there on Friday ish to check in on her and to bring up her fly sheet and other things she may need while I am gone.

Good luck, Cass- be a good girl!!

As a result- Cabo also got "worked" yesterday- I had to take advantage of the weather. So we walked around the track and in the arena- just putzed around the farm. He's fat- the boy needs a job.


  1. I know she will do great and make you one proud momma!!!!

    Give the ponies hugs and kisses for me. I miss them both, yeah both of them... hehe

    Be so glad that you have the lazy Cabo. The Cabo that was rescued was a ball of energy and oh so spooky. I miss his still spooks.

  2. LOL he still spooks at the dumbest things ever. Like, OMG YOU FORGOT TO CLOSE YOUR CAR DOOR!!! ITS GONNA EAT ME!!!! But 5 dogs running at us while barking their heads off? No problem. LOL
