Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jogging Partner(s)

Another gorgeous day yesterday. Definitely needed to take advantage of it- which was easy to do because when I got to the barn i found my stalls cleaned thanks to my friend- what an awesome surprise! So...what to do? Build off of yesterday, I guess.

I know some people won't like this, but I don't care. I took my horses jogging with me, LOL. I'm sure its unsafe as heck, but they both lead well, and I felt relatively safe, so whatever.

So we went for 3 miles or so. Cabo thought he was dying. He didn't want to keep up. He thought it was dumb, and a waste of a lovely day. Cassie, on the other hand, loved it. I mean really, really loved it. Like if horses could be jogging partners, she'd sign herself up for that job. She didn't want to stop. And afterwards, she was all sorts of engaged- waiting for the next thing to do. It was very cute.

Today I am going to get on Cabo and see how he feels about ponying Miss Princess. Sorry Cabo, you DO have to get exercise. Sorry, bud. LOL.

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