Thursday, April 23, 2009

Training Update

So, I got a call from the trainer yesterday.

Me: "Hello?"

Trainer: "Uhh, Allyson?"

Me, heart in stomach: "Yes?"

Trainer: "Hi its Trainer. I'm calling you about your mare, Cassie."

Me, heart sinks further into stomach: "Oh Hi, how are you?"

Trainer: PAUSE...."Good." Another long PAAAAAUUUUUSSSSSSSE, "I've been meaning to call you but I figured I'd give her another day of work before I do."

Me, to myself: O Crap in heaven...O no O no O no

Trainer: "She's doing really good, actually"

Me: PSYCH!!.... then *sigh* ...outloud, "Oh really?"

Trainer: "yes, I can see what you mean about her sensitivity and need to bond with someone. She was pretty darn scared of me yesterday, and she didn't like the girth too much- she bucked a lot in the round pen and zoomed around in circles."

Me: "Yea, that sounds like a scared Appy Mare. She'll come around, she just needs to trust you first."

Trainer: "She's already doing better today. She stood rock still for the polos, was able to walk at the end of the longe line, and I got on and walked her around today. She also got a bath, so she's all cleaned up."

Me: "Awesome!"

Trainer: "I'm going to take it slow with her, if we're walking and trotting by the end of the week, I'll call it success. I don't want to lose her trust."

Me: "I'd do the same thing- gain her trust first, and stay safe."

So, pretty much what I expected would happen, happened. Cassie needs to know you before you attempt any acrobatics with her. IF she doesn't know you, she will act like a complete idiot- zooming everywhere, total wild horse-OMG-I-don't-know-how-to-do-any-of-this, type drama. The second she realizes you dont have a fork and knife in ur pocket ready to dine on her, she calms down and will give you some try. If you work with her fairly, then she'll really start to give- like 200% I can't wait for the trainer to call me and tell me what a change she's made. It'll happen, I predict, next Wednesday. :)

I'm going up there today to bring some belongings up to her- I can't wait to see how she is doing!

1 comment:

  1. lol I get the same stomach riseing up to the mouth everytime the barn owner calls. Very rare is it something to do with my bratty 4 legged child, but there is always the little branch in the trail path annoyance that she does something she shouldnt. 1 time she refused to eat her grain we all freaked. Now its just to tell me how much of a B#&*% she is when someone enters her pasture, hooves fly to ones face or she wont let people catch her to take blanket/fly mask off. I know I could never take her a trainer and leave her. She would kill someone! lol Cassie just loves playing games with people she thinks thinks are in charge..... I cant wait to see her floating around the arena and maybe in a dressage show!!!!
