Friday, April 24, 2009

Well Done!

I got the chance to see Cassie work with the trainer yesterday! I had a few odds and ends to bring up to her prior to my departure so headed up there. The trainer waited to work with her so I could watch. Prior to, she got treated to another beauty day which included another bath (she's definitely not yellow anymore!), and a hair cut! She already looks like a million bucks (hmmm...maybe buck is not the right word when used in a sentence describing Cassie, LOL)

Anyway, she did great in the cross ties- stood very solid for polos, and for bridling too. They saddled her in the roundpen- and yes, she definitely was nervous. I think she holds herself tense, and while she is still for the saddle, she blows once she can get away. Once she becomes more comfortable with the trainer and the assistants (a new one yesterday, which rocked her world again), she'll be fine for that initial saddling. All the same, I'm very proud of her because she's come far enough to allow others to work with her.

Trainer was great- btw. Very patient, and rewarding. So was the assistant. Cassie had nothing to fear, and soon calmed down. And gosh, when she calms and moves in a relaxed way- she's beautiful.

Trainer did mounting exercises from BOTH sides(so happy to see a dressage trainer do mounting from both sides, hanging from the saddle while being walked around, touching her all over- she did everything I did with Cassie, which is great reinforcement). She finally mounted up and had her assistant walk around. Trainer asked me if she knows halt, and I laughed and said take a deep breath and sit, Cassie stopped dead. Over and over again. Trainer then tried trot while on the longe, and practiced halts- had a good laugh- halt is Cassie's favorite. She sits on that bum. Must be the western horse in her coming out. Trainer eventually walked and trotted off the line too. Cassie got nervous a few times with the new rider on her back- but trainer was very good, patient, light, and balanced- everything you want for a young, terrified equine.

I think she's perfect for Cassie- she's everything I was looking for in a dressage trainer- the perfect balance of what Cassie needs. I'm so excited for us! Cassie is going to turn out great. What's even better- I had the pleasure of watching Trainer work with a more advanced horse- and she's an awesome rider. Beautiful. YAY!

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